Poor Equifax. They are completely blameless, you know. They had their stack of gold bars stolen, and it's a tragedy that totally isn't their fault at all. In fact, they bear absolutely no responsibility for what happened. It's those nefarious hackers, you know. Even though Equifax left their stack of gold bars out of their safe, they're blameless victims! Even though they left them in the front room with the windows open, so anyone walking by on the street could see the stack of gold bars in the front room, they're totally the victims here. Sure they may have had a couple of flashing neon signs that said “GOLD BARS INSIDE” in the windows, but this totally isn't their fault. Just because they left the doors unlocked with their gold bars sitting in the front rooms lit by the incessant flashing of the “GOLD BARS INSIDE” neon signs, is no reason to assume Equifax bears ANY responsibility for this theft!
Why won't you just leave poor Equifax alone, you monsters??