We're going to attempt to have a calm and reasonable conversation as to why dubs should never come back. I don't know who is
lobbying for this, but I guess it's the kind of person who gets off on
paired numbers. I mean, I've met a few in my time, and it turns out they almost always tortured
animals as a child. If
they achieve any sense of nor
malcy into adulthood, t
hey often have gilfriend
s who died in mysterious accidents.
Those are the most func
tional cases and can go undetected in eve
n the smallest community. The sad r
emainder, are loners who keep to them selves
and subsist entirely on the cash, j
ewelry, and gold fillings taken from the
ir hundreds of victims. In man
y cases, they have a chest freezer ful
l of body parts, packed up to the to
p and overflowing, sometimes weighed down wit
h a cinder block to contain the putrefi
ed contents. There usually isn't a s
ingle vagrant within six mile
s of monsters like t
hese. Murder to them is a meaningless ge
sture, a task wi
th al
l the weight of the morning ple
asantries they exchange with thos
e they have decide
d not to murder because the c
rawlspace is presently full. I
f you suspect someon
e is getting kicks with “DUBS CHECK 'EM”, report them to the authorites at once!