I'm going to go ahead and tell you up front that my beliefs regarding the freedom of speech are fairly radical. If the Queen of England or Arabic writing appears on your coins, chances are that what I think and say is illegal in your country.
If you're in the West, it's going to be child pornography. If it's the East, it's going to be God. Neither one are good excuses but I'm mostly going to focus on the West because that's where I'm from. Slowly but surely, governments around the globe are putting a chokehold on the Internet and using one of the weakest excuses they can think of to do it…
I hope I'm right on this one and so I'm going to go out on a limb and just say it: there's no such thing as commercial production of child pornography anymore. There are no sites that sell it and there are several good reasons for that:
With all that in mind, is there such a thing anymore? They'd like us to believe it, but I don't think so…
If the government controls access to sites, then who is to say what they are censoring? Is the system automated or are there officials in charge of reviewing sites? Do suggestions come from citizens or do they review every single site? How do they afford the staff necessary for that? Is there any system for removing unwarranted censorship?
Chances are, the answer is a simple shrug because they don't know and there are insufficient provisions for such eventualities. They'd rather have you believe that they're working in your best interest. Are they? How can you know? You can't see what they won't let you see.
Was drawandquarterjuliagillard.info a site dedicated to hardcore child pornography? Or was it censored for entirely unrelated reasons?
I mean, utilize it for the greater good! Yes, that's it! The greater good!
Well, now that your country has the ability to censor sites at will, they've likely discovered what I've already told you: child porn isn't a huge epidemic worthy of this undertaking. However, they did spend a vast amount of money combating it and rather than be held accountable for their bad decisions, they'll have to weasel their way into the graces of the people paying for it…
So why stop at child porn? Why not pornography that we personally find distasteful? Do Muslims vote for us? Well, we better censor anything that insults Islam. Violent video games, maybe? Hysterical housewives with stupid children are an important demographic for us! How about sites that question our nation's treatment of livestock? The agricultural sector contributes to our party. Better block torrent sites too because copyright holders pay our bills!
And it just spirals out of control as every party scrambles to pander to its core. Soon enough, the Internet is a pointless and content-free dead-end. The authorities spend all their resources monitoring it to little purpose. Soon enough, their budgets are focused on this new Internet thing rather than actual detective work that might actually do some good. So are they catching more child pornographers than they did before? Of course not, they're too busy blocking access to specific articles and ads on gamefaqs…
Here are just a few things that people within Australia are not allowed to see online. Again, remember, this began as a means of blocking access to child pornography: