I like to think my ceaseless mockery of smartwatches has something to do with them not catching on quite yet. Actually though, I'm sure that wrist fatigue plays a larger role…
By the time I needed to tell time for school and then work, I used the clock on my phone. This has been the case for most people for a long time now. So I do wonder who this was made for and why it's wrong to target this particular group:
That leaves us with the following groups left to sell this piece of crap to:
I really don't. In fact, I think it might be a viable thing someday, but at the moment it's a huge box strapped to your wrist, usually with a cheap band. These things cost a small fortune and don't do anything particularly useful. Once they make them smaller and more useful, I can see how at least other people might be justified in being interested in them. Me? Never. Fuck that noise.
For the moment, all I can do is have a sort of muted pity for people trying to pull these off as though they're a totally reasonable fashion/technology accessory.
They make these things where you can strap a scotch tape dispenser to your wrist1). Smartwatches are basically the same thing. Why would I need to strap a tape dispenser to my wrist? Well, there are reasons to do so, except these reasons are very limited and you don't look fashionable while you're doing it…