Something Awful Sycophants Squad - The proper historic forum started sometime in ?late 2006. It died sometime in late 2007 or early 2008, but not before being hacked by goons employed by ?Dreamhost. It was succeeded by TNE which quickly devolved into the ghetto for all those banned from SA for being intolerable right wing lunatics. These were the types that–honest to their White Christian English-Speaking God–believed Jews did 9/11, Jews were the reason their application to Quiznos was denied, and Jews broke into their house to leave the toilet seat up as part of a greater conspiracy to wipe out the white race by bruising sacred aryan asses. TNE thankfully died in 20121) and it was succeeded by some sort of neo-nazi-hipster blog2), Something Sensitive3), and probably several offshoots I've never heard of because I just don't care enough to look, really…

One minor point of importance to this overall project: Shii posted on SASS

Here's a list of some other people who might enjoy seeing their name in print:

Now to prove the point that I am a mentally ill freak who hoards shit, here's a few things I saved from SASS:

A few explanations: (1) ?Keep it Real's userpic, (2) Fishmech's userpic, (3) Bob Odenkirk's hastily assembled sig file, (4) some goon told a story that basically bitched and moaned about carrying a printer across campus (for a girl? I forget) and it was lame, (5) Lowtax's userpic at the time was a pig and this is pretty much what he did (and continues to do) with his time , (6) after getting radium removed from his position, he was photoshopped out of this picture in a soviet-style celebration - the girl was Lowtax's wife at the time who was continually referred to as a mail-order bride (which wasn't true, but funny).

For those from SA who are interested in further propaganda, see this:

For another glimpse at the drama in historical context:

See some sass_extras

1) and nothing of value was lost, etc.
sass.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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