Go ahead and say it like the spice, it won't bother me. Technically it's Japanese though, so you'd say “saw-gay.” This is something you need not know and shouldn't say out loud in public if you do…

SAGE goes in every field

Actually, it only accomplishes anything if you put it in the e-mail field but it fits in well in all fields, if you ask me.

One the key differences between East and West is sage. vBulletin and all the the Western boards bump a thread every time a reply is made. Sage keeps the thread “unbumped”, basically wherever it is in the hierarchy as it stood before you got started. Again, the Western mindset of constantly shouting “LOOK AT ME” rears its ugly head again. Most posts to most threads on any forum on either side of the Pacific is likely to be crap. At least in the East they are willing to admit this. Conversations go on without drawing any more attention than they need until they become important or someone is foolish…

Sage DOES work (kind of)

On 4chan these days you'll hear a lot of fools say that “sage doesn't work” or “sage doesn't do crap.” Well, yes. When you're all saying this and not adding “sage”, this is correct. It also doesn't mean shit on /b/ in particular because no thread there lasts more than a couple hours anyway. It just no longer has any purpose there. On actual message boards where people are carrying on conversations rather than trading photographs of transsexuals, it does work and it is useful. It does technically work in that it won't bump the thread. It just won't work because the community (or an obnoxious OP) won't cooperate. Again, who really gives a fuck? It's just a psychological/protest thing on /b/ at this point.

So fuck it. Moral of the story: sage early, sage often, sage everything…

You forgot AGE!

What am I supposed to do, check passports? OH, AGE, right, right…

Same rules apply, so it's “AH-GAY” instead of “age” said like an American. It's the opposite of sage so it would bump a thread. Of course, typing nothing in the e-mail field would accomplish the same thing. Consider it deprecated. Most people would just say “bump” and I'm OK with that. On slow-moving boards it can be a means of making a bold statement, but on any community/transsexual pictures clearinghouse of note, it means shit.

sage.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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