Tablet computers are toys. You should own a desktop computer. Tablets have their place and it's as a toy, but if you're going to be creating anything, you should own a computer with a keyboard.

I'm just not sure when it happened, but technology firms convinced us that we don't need the other half of a laptop and have now made billions selling us toys. On the plus side, it has reduced the price of laptops and I'm consuming these things at the rate of about 1.7/yr. now, so that's fine, I guess…

And suddenly it's a laptop again

The Surface was the first to do it, but now Apple is doing it too: they tack a keyboard onto their tablets. And it's a shitty keyboard too. It's floppy and pointless. The mess won't stand up on its own. It's only good if you have a table to sit at. Try to balance this shit on your lap. Try to type on it in bed. On that note, try to balance this ridiculous setup on a tiny student desk in a high school…

Schools that require tablet computers

Can suck my dick. Seriously. Outside of advertisements selling tablet computers, where and when exactly does putting a $500+ video game console/24-hour-porno-box in the hands of children ever improved the quality of education?

Here's why your staff will hate it

The students will have the technological upper-hand over your staff, so no matter what you do, it's going to be a video game/porno box (perhaps projected for the whole classroom to see, depending on just how bad your configuration is). The thought might be that textbooks can go on this thing, and that's a nice thought, but it won't work. e-books are (or in the rare cases where they are not yet, will soon be) one-use items. Paper textbooks, however clunky and uncool, can be reused until painfully out of date, to the point where every inch is highlighted and a dick drawn into every hand and mouth1). The kids can't really take notes on it because they can't really type on it. And you can't let them use it during a test, because they can just look up the answers to every question. If you want to offer online material, it's going to be universally accessed through a browser, so they kids will be better off answering questions on something with a keyboard…

Here's why the parents will hate it

Parents already know the answer to this hypothetical situation: if you handed your kid a piece of glass, like the kind you would find in a picture frame, and told them to carry it with them everywhere at all times, about how long would it last? If any kid under 16 could make it last longer than two weeks, the kid's got the grace and skills to be a ballerina/ninja2). Kids break shit all the time. Parents won't be shelling out $500 once, it's $500 at least twice if we're talking about a high-school. It's not just $500, it's $500 + $50 OtterBox + accessories. Oh, and the kid will still break it somehow. If they don't break it, it will get lost or stolen. And the kid will never actually use it at school for anything for the various reasons listed above. So you really might as well just have your kids carry around an expensive piece of glass. Someone is getting off on this thought of kids carrying around fragile things, probably school administrators…

Here's why the students will hate it

They'll never actually use it for educational purposes because the staff can't find a reason to use it. They'll be forced to carry it around and be held responsible for all of the damage done to it. Again, they might as well be carrying around an expensive pane of window glass. School wifi will immediately block everything fun. Not that this matters, because all you have to do is use 4G either through the tablet itself or their phone. And they'll get in trouble for using social media on that too. And for playing games. And for it not being charged up in the rare times they actually get to use it for class purposes. It's basically an all-new way for kids to get in trouble. At most, they'll do a couple presentations with it each year. Might as well have used any other device…


If you want slightly less trouble in your school, you'd be better off just issuing every student a puppy and a loaded paintball gun.

1) of our current President, Gerald Ford
2) possibly some kind of comic book combination of the two… COPYRIGHT, DO NOT STEAL
tablet_computers.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/31 11:26 by admin0037
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