Nevada-tan was a twelve year-old girl that killed a fellow classmate with a cheap hobby knife in June of 20041). She is so-named because the first picture of her available to the public depicted her in a sweatshirt that read “NEVADA.”

2chan had a field day with this one and she is often depicted sweetly smiling, covered in blood, and hiding her knife behind her back all the while prominently showing her support for the University of Nevada. Various freaks loved her much in the same way people will no-doubt love Casey Anthony, though I imagine body-type and age played a key role in some of this attraction… As for Casey Anthony, I'm not sure what name applies to people who find twenty-somethings attractive. Oh shit wait, “NORMAL.” That's it. Weird, almost forgot that term. It's been so long I'm starting to believe there has to be a specific fetish for all attractions…

She's out of the crazy house and that normal thing probably applies to any wayward attraction you may feel to her now (it feels weird at first but just go with it; plz disregard if she put on/lost a lot of weight, has a lot of piercings or tattoos, or you're reading this after about 2030 or so, in which case it is safely back in fetish territory). I wonder if she ever saw any of the fan-art made for her…

And now as a special bonus, some double fan-art!


nevada.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/27 09:59 by admin0037
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