In this document I just spout off nonsense…

2012 - Rick Perry becomes President and outlaws porn, sodomy, liquor, dancing, wearing bright colors, atheism, unlicensed photocopiers, and Mexicans.
Moot is forced to flee as is most of the population of 4chan.
2014 - organizes a series of coups and controls much of Central America.
2015 - Generlisimo Gavin Newsome overthrows the remnants of Rick Perry's forces in the Battle of Salt Lake City.
2017 - They make the 4chan movie finally. It's a cross between The Social Network and Apocalypse Now, what with 4chan now being based in Guatemala.
2031 - The Chinese collapse under a crushing load of sovereign debt. No one is surprised.
2035 - Peru surrenders to Guatemala after moot does not receive his wake up call while staying in the Lima Marriott on a diplomatic mission.
2043 - The Empire of Guatemala collapses under a crushing load of sovereign debt. A few people are surprised because they've already forgotten that can happen.
2044 - is forced to seek orbital hosting as no country with electricity is willing to offer it refuge.
2087 - The space station hosting reenters the atmosphere and crashes into the Australian wilderness. The surviving metal is fashioned into spear points and crude shivs by what remains of the cannibal tribes inhabiting the nuclear wasteland.
2261 - Archaelogists uncover this wiki and realize I was right in at least three points on this list. This being a new age of Christian rationalism, this is considered equally likely to be a coincidence or black magic. I am burned in effigy just to be on the safe side.

distant_future.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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