Clearly cyber-bullying is the greatest crime against humanity of all times. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot were all fucking pussies compared to some thirteen year-old girl from Simi Valley who called a classmate fat on Facebook.

This problem is happening throughout the Western world. Little white girls and little white boys are being called naughty things by their peers. Where is the International Community? Why does 9-1-1 (or 999) keep hanging up on me? Don’t you understand?! Someone called my daughter fat! On the INTERNET! Why won’t anyone listen?! You know what we must do, now don’t you? We must make this naughty talk yet another crime to clutter up our already overly complex legal code! It’s time to put children in prison for acting like children!

I hate moderation in daily life. I’m not talking about not-eating-sixteen-fried-eggs-in-a-sitting moderation, I’m talking about Internet-style moderation. I’m talking about you-will-play-nice-with-this-socially-retarded-reject-style moderation. Life these days has to be especially confusing for kids. They’re not only forced to have real-life retards in their classroom, they’re also forced to play nice with social rejects of the usual variety. I don’t see why. These reject kids don’t shower, they never shut up about Avatar (sci-fi epic or Last Airbender variety, either one is equally annoying), and they’re as much help in those dreaded group projects as a meatball sandwich.

If these kids complain about having to deal with losers to school authorities, they’ll receive a deaf ear to all this sound observation and the powers that be will insist that this idiot must be included. It’s no wonder kids everywhere are driving their social lessers to suicide. There’s just no other way to be rid of them!

Can we all be socially accepted? I don’t think so. Society needs whipping boys and scapegoats. Perhaps it’s up to these kids to learn their place. Or even better, maybe it’s up to the parents to realize their kids are being tortured. That’s always part of the story that’s missing, isn’t it? The parents are seemingly absent. They’re working, white, and own an import SUV. Given that, they are presumably the best parents the universe has ever seen… except they’re not. They’re not paying fuck-all attention to what their kids are doing or experiencing. Right now they actually have radio ads telling kids to tell their parents about being bullied (of course kids don’t listen to the radio, so what good does that do?). This is how shitty our communication skills are these days. People don’t even talk anymore. I knew kids in high school who couldn’t tell me where their parents were born because they had never been told and never asked. From the time they could press a button, they had been placed in front of an automated child-rearing apparatus…

I am always suspect of parents, particularly of high school kids, who look too good to be true. You always see these parents after poor little Johnny hung himself because of e-bullying (or to jack off, or whatever). They’ll be on Good Morning America and look god-damned gorgeous, a top-shelf MILF with a nice canned tan. Chances are these parents spend far more time on themselves than they ever did on their kids. They just assume that the public school system is caring for their child (fucking hilarious, I know). After all, can’t we expect the absolute best for our historically low taxes???

Perhaps the other thing is that parents need to realize that human beings are the worst monsters this planet has ever seen. To say we’re mean to one another is a tremendous understatement (like saying your fatass daughter is merely “overweight”). This is a species that purposely murders millions of its own kind during years of supposed peace. Somewhere out there, kids are starving to death, laboring in the factories that make your your shoes, dying of typhoid, and being conscripted into the armies of African warlords. Seriously, you think being called fat on Facebook is the worst thing that can happen to your child? In fact, it’s so serious, that there must be legislation to prevent it from happening again. If only every child on earth could be so lucky!

One can only ask “What the fuck is wrong with you people?” so many times before their throat just goes raw.

Why are we legislating anything over this nonsense? Why aren’t we teaching our kids to deal with the relatively tame bullshit they have to put up with in our pampered Western culture? Our freedom of speech is being hindered yet again by good intentions. Even worse, our children’s freedom of speech is being done away with…

What will be left for future generations to say aside from empty commendations of all undertakings of their peers? GOOD JOB, COMRADE. What the fuck is that? If children never learn to criticize one another or accept criticism, we may as well just kiss society goodbye. When someone screws up, they need to know. It’s up to the person receiving criticism to filter it as either being an important issue (gee kid, maybe you ought to shower and brush your teeth) or something stupid (lol, stuckup bitch)…

In fact, why is there never a two-way discussion of peer criticism with children? The attacker is always 100% at fault, the receiver of criticism 100% innocent. Instead why not logically deconstruct the criticism and see whether or not there is value in it or it is in fact it is just empty meanness?

Yes, there are creeps in the world. There are crazy people on the Internet. If your child can’t just say “lol faget” to these people and move on with their lives, then they’re doomed…

Anyway, nothing will come of this at all. Instead, children will continue to be coddled until they're all the social equivalent of naked mole rats. Given any criticism or even a loud noise, they'll just drop dead in fright. It must be a great time to be a mortician, you know. Until this whole cyber-bullying thing took off, they only got to deal with shriveled up old corpses… At least they have some variety now! Keep up the good work, kids!

cyberbullying.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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