Started posting on world2ch in earnest some time in May, 2003. Shii calls me mysterious. Lame.
I'm no one particularly special and I never was. Don't let anyone give you the wrong impression, especially me.
One of my only claims to fame online (well, this online anyway) is that I was one of the first people to lay eyes on 4chan. That's about it. Given that the site has survived and gone on to be wildly popular and influential, I figure someone, someday, might be interested in what it was like in its formative days as well in the sites that preceded and contributed to it. That and cheap hosting is the only reason I bothered to do this. I was never a good poster or an influential person. I was just a witness to it.
Given the amazing feats of Internet detectivery I've personally been a part of, I'm not willing to give out any personal information online at all so [this space left intentionally blank].
By the way, someone once thought I was a girl on the world2ch image board. Given the odds, I'd doubt it but also I'd never say for sure or deny it if true. See also: Tits or GTFO.