Rating world2ch.org as a webiste (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-26 03:34 ID:/VjN1CDZ [Del]

Comment: It is shit, poor quality.

Comment: "I say fuck a lot", not fucking true. I am disappointed. Must be because the person who wrote the wiki is a virgin. lol

Comment: Would rape and fuck if I could.

Comment: Grey board for nigger people.

Comment: White nigger, would not fuck, say he is oldfag(but he is not oldfag, true oldfag is op in this thread), suck as admin of world2ch

Comment: Whould rape and fuck to make other people yelly

world2ch newfag:
Comment: Kill it with fire

world2ch in a nutshell:

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-26 05:42 ID:x62tgcR/ [Del]

Best review yet. Glad you like it!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-27 17:23 ID:RY5jNThW [Del]

This review:
Comment: I rate this thread poorly.

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-28 12:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

This review of this review gets a -1/10 for being too short and not very descriptive, but 2/10 for providing an off-the-scale rating with at least some thought put into it. Anyone can just type -1 and then hold down the zero key for a few seconds, but this reviewer took the extra time to also include an additional 1. If you were wondering, I would not have included any extra points for including commas, though that would have been more aesthetically pleasing. Looks aren't everything and it's the spirit of the review that counts. With that in mind, >>3 deserves all the credit he's due with his total score of 1/10.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-29 03:48 ID:UlX7s2vI [Del]

This autism gets from me 2/10.
Comment:Need more ponies, anime, math, weabooo!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-02 01:54 ID:Heaven [Del]

In the midst of reading this review, I realized that the critic had never actually read the review he was reviewing all the way through. Watching The Village halfway through, we can only assume that M. Night Shyamalan is yet again working his magical charm with the twist ending. To craft a review that would make it sound as though he had watched the whole movie, rather than leave the theater early to tend to his latest herpes outbreak, all he need say is: the master craftsman has created a twist that will leave audiences guessing to the very end. However, those of us who have watched this film, or read this review, know better. Clearly the reviewer left early to feed his insatiable desire for gay sex in the nearest bus station restroom rather than act with even a shred of integrity in the the task put before him. It is with heavy heart that I must therefore award >>6 a review of 1/10 for clearly putting more effort into sucking cock rather than seriously reviewing the review in question.

8 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

>>6 used far too many words. A traditional "lol fuk u" would have sufficed. 2/5.

9 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Didn't use an x/10 rating system. There aren't nearly enough gradients on a 1-5 scale to rate anything with any degree of accuracy. 1/10.

10 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Yes, I know dude! Your mum has only 8 holes, I have tryed out all of theme. I should poke some more holes in here so I can try all of the 10 holes she will have!

11 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Failed to review >>9's mom in a review thread and that deserves a 1/10. However, the non-review did hint at and threaten possible involuntary surgery. That's a tantalizing twist in an otherwise mundane shit post. Overall score: 5/10 >>10 is this week's HIGHLIGHTED REVIEW and a contender for the review of the month!

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