This is a dumping ground for various things edited out of the main article. There's little to see here…

Original Radium/SASS piece from the 2005 Meltdown section

Radium, the coder and an admin there was the source of much internal contention. It eventually split off to form the immensely funny (well, to dissatisfied SA users) SASS (Something Awful Sychophant's Squad which would later be succeeded by the kind of funny sometimes TNE which has now vaporized as well). This group succeeded in at least silencing radium and throwing him into the background after someone managed to do some haxxor shit and get his password (kjs500 btw; strength 8% which he also used on a bunch of other accounts on other sites). As a result of this, they insisted that all users' pws be changed to something that no human being could possibly remember. No doubt I was among a lot of users unable to recall a 40 character alphanumeric + special characters password and also unwilling to pay to re-register once I forgot it minutes later. SA is still alive and 4chan is still a sore point that is only whispered about by the oppressed masses there.

something_awful_dump.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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