hey,hybrid american.
i don't your future and killing soon!

– Golgomois in his magnum opus “GOLGOLMOIIS ALL KILLER by ryukyu”

Golgomois was the all thread killer. He hated Americans in Okinawa which is a pretty common trait for Okinawans. Just because Americans pollute the fuck out of their island paradise and rape all those women… Trivial stuff, really.

Americans is takeing the media by the dog heart therefor growing up the Monster dogs.

– Golgomois

His thread on world2ch was a big part of its overall content and railed on about our every American offense from failing to use the right slippers at the right time to genocide all in deplorable English and sometimes flat-out Japanese. He aspired to bomb marine corps bases but never got around to it because he had to maintain his threads on w2ch and presumably elsewhere in the overall 2-ch universe. English speaking users liked to harass him because it was just so easy.

Eventually he was arrested for making terrorist threats. The news story is forthcoming. He's probably out of jail and living as yet another NEET burdening his parents.

golgomois.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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