Still interested in this? I can't see how, but whatever…


Not Quite History (Yet)

  • has some info on early and ongoing 2chan/4chan memes if you look hard enough. The rest is the usual VIPPER silliness. In particular, see this.
  • There's a big pile of sometimes confusing 2ch flash animation here. (appears broken)
  • There is a big pile of sometimes confusing 2ch flash animation here.

Not History/Still Going Strong

  • See this page at 4-ch for an explanation of 2-ch terms and a 2-ch navigator
  • There's a (likely out-of-date) 2chan navigator in English at

Thanks to Feor for refreshing my memory.

… by the way, it's super creepy that everyone that has any interest in this either has a first name or nickname starting with A.

better_sites.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/20 11:36 (external edit)
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