Why Do You Hate Christmas World2ch? (13)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-26 04:02 ID:ewSy2l5F [Del]

Being a proud participant in the war on Christmas is not something I can approve of

2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-26 06:58 ID:e9MgbGfs [Del]

I just want my holidays to be equally happy.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-26 11:47 ID:UNzZrrWD [Del]

Especially boxing day.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-27 14:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

Anybody else getting apoplectic about these damn Americans? They HATE Jesus.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-27 16:04 ID:APjfSEKw [Del]

What holidays, nigger? Christmas is universally celebrated in America, even by non Christians. There's maybe 5% of Americans who do not celebrate it. Why are we accommodating them?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2017-12-27 20:27 ID:bZS5VXAc [Del]

world2ch is a anti capitalistic board, we like gomunism here as one can see there are no present in the russian sledge that the cat is siting in. The cat is suppos to represent a gook, and the other two cats are suppos to reppresent some other gook. I dont remember as I dont care about this, but cat and some other shit is suppos to be gooks/nips/niggers/east asian or what ever, all the same shit to me, a.k.a gooks. The gook make shit in china and north korea, and as you can see they not present, but the world on the sledge, with is suppos to represent gomie plan to take over the world. As karl Marx was a kike who wanted to take over the hole world(it is true, look it up, goy!). 1488 hitler did nothing wrong, and was the only person to save western civilisation, but he did not do his moon plan when going to the east, because he got stroke, and when he was in the bed, the generals made from moon plan, to 3 plan, going in the middle to Moscow, but them gooks in Nippon land only attack siberia if hitler was succesful in taking Moscow, which in this case was to surround it, but he did not do moon plan so stalin moved his forces to moscow which made theme Aryans not able to take it, because understiamate of troops, as theme new troops stationed in east asian russia was moved to moscow. And it is all because hitler moon plan was not followed by his generals, and he could not perform it becuase at that time, he had a stroke. Dam I be telling, you on my death bed, if hitterl had a child it whould be called. My ... And so I say, nIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER
smack lips it is true nigger, I went today to buy food, and theme nigger be playing TwoPac and shiiiiiiit. WE WUZ EGYPTS AND SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT gook.
Azkenazi kike are turkic indo-european rape babys who performe ancient turkic rituals. THAT IS right, peace out. my meme
prais pepe for merry Jesusmas(fuck christmas) ~> Merry Jizzmas! ~> Marry Jinggmes XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD BENIS IN (B/V)AGINA
Remember allways that christmas tree is allways a tree.

7 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Because my parents got me a white Porsche instead of a red one.

8 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

I told daddy to call Steve Jobs to make me a custom purple phone. Like all purple. Even the glass. And also for it to be attached to a can of spray paint so I could make more things purple. Like the squirrels at the park. And he told me that couldn't happen because of that court order and that Steve Jobs is dead.

And that's why Jesus isn't real. The proof.

9 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Santa Claus murdered my whole family.

10 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Santa Claus murdered my whole family.

11 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Santa Claus sure murders a lot of families.

However, that means Santa is real. I'm confused.

12 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Santa made me fight my brother to the death for a PlayStation 2. In 2016. It didn't come with any games. And my dad pawned it for drugs after the funeral.

🎅 🎅

13 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

It didn't even have a controller. I couldn't even use that PS2 as a DVD player.

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