BASE jumping thread (22)

1 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Rumors death mine greeting exaggerating. Only big head would. Doctorate say only prominent donate it to the gate for the next couple of various stages of that medicine for my birthday and I hope you have paperbacks

I'll see you tomorrow morning at least three times ok Google I'm scarred for a few

Timer for my head pills oh good

2 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Look my pills cost more than you sleep with me. I'll gave him a bath tub. Keep yourself Hanna of my phone that's mind.

And I Asia everyone that I remain competence to continue opens this site. Why does Grandma want that? Like fuck I can't stand up I'll show you

4 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

5 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]


6 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

I don't know what that's not Kaylin any sense to peopl. My competence is ironclad.

I am president for live is this thing. Like the pipe Pope

Plays in head, Doreen days in coma, shatter pelvis, nothing hold me back. yellow minutes brain dead and never better+

So everyone stop saying in no confusion to run board. B I'm fine;

7 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Oh shoot I thoughts I put a period weekend one not going, v boy it's was just dust on my screen lol

You tell them I'm getting ours is this hospice of at least to one with WiFi

8 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]


9 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

I mistook a get well card for chewing gum.

10 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

I don't know who a ride moderately my board, arrival some reason who keeps all this metal on my neck and head and give me shoot when I try take it off it itches

I am the real 0037 and I will be back to Coco my renewal.

11 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

You getting all this, you lot shots? I hop so. Ending remember, I am in charge hey. Look I was done the bar jumping not for the thrill, box for sex reasons so stop Bitcoin me out on. Nothing is gonna chance, baby. We gonna be on. I just good to take some classes is sold so I remember how to do work stuff as drive as not we myself as often. And you need to g and supports me. U don't think I can play baseball anyone by I can try. Maybe I can be one of those Robbie savers. This will work out don't leave me

12 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Also please bring Maria license so I can they yours name easier. It's wear a name tag is something. I don't remember, v six I know you're name before I bet I forgot it an the time. C

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

That not the wife, if was a nurse. My wife is Asian. With the hair. You know. The only name is my mind to Celine Dion though. Also for my dad name. And nurse.b. And also for most things really imrealy fucjed uparent I. something why pop in my head jusrnow

15 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

That not the wife, if was a nurse. My wife is Asian. With the hair. You know. The only name is my mind to Celine Dion though. Also for my dad name. And nurse.b. And also for most things really imrealy fucjed uparent I. something why pop in my head jusrnow

16 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

OK nerds, Kevin has to go to surgery again. He can't have his phone for awhile.

17 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

And your tell they would not have been happyf. They can't use that stranded Aggie in a high mostly environmental. That stop will save your 30*at install but thermostat.

Hello effort is not how well they did on driving proper. I want it all to down. Want them to use the testicle to pull the nails so that feel it. I've cream.

18 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Now if I had my wayd, the morning we are going to the islands is the wrist. It's be really tall anddd nothing would be like Glasgow. No driving alley. Winter that my remote. I need you to put it on lawyer. We need to get document is all this. Everyone takes notes.

19 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Next time I jump off a bedroom so I am doing it with a nose six me here. No regrets though, this all work out. Should be out of hospital in six we'll. Gonna go on a sprain tour. Taco kids how to Sallie jump off beds. That helmet saved my life the place sense me.

20 Name: 37 (<--HUGE FAGGOT )s9GFPXzA6A : [Del]

Why doesn't anyone answer the dunno done. I had travel fee.

21 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Oh. I thin in beer now. Can see from bit eyes with no lighting. Or spot pain. Very few vision of details. Words English still veiny. Think for all the edible Bowie every nice even though jaw wired she for miss of that time.

22 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Rabbit are terrible pets.

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