The 24 September 2017 is election day in germany. Who are you going to vote for?
I personaly want to vote for the person who has these points:
* Kill all coon niggers in germany
* Kill all sand niggers
* Kill all kike in germany
* kill all ba4sque niggers in germany(like Martin Luther)
* Retake lost german land(mainly in the east, as germany now only has it western part, thus germany is part of western civilisation. The eastern part was destroyed. Thus germany is no longer part of eastern europe, only west europe exist. Thus saying germany is part of eastern europe is wrong, as that statement whould be corect in WW1, but no longer is correct as germany is today only part of western civilisation)
of course, the idea that white people with brown and ligth eyes are completley different races, is out of the question. Even if there exist many facts to backup my claims as true, and the logical question:"If a tribe was made out of dominant brown eyes and none-dominant ligth eyes, how the fuck did the none dominant eye not get extinct?". Allso there exist historical evidence, from middeval litreture that indo-european and bas4que nigger have never been seen as equals, like:
Which say, that the 3 classes are as follows:ba4sque niggers(slave), gingers(2nd class) and ligth hair 1st class, master.
The bas4que nigger, are allso usely can be found in the church like Martin Luther, as the church is a imigrant religion, and the imigrant came from the south with there shit religion.
The only reason why Rome fell is because the basq4ue nigger, killed there indo-european masters.
The only place for the bas4que niggers, in western civilisation is to be ruled by the indo-european, not to have any thing to say in goverment. THE BAS4QUE NIGGER are benath me. But trying to wake up muh people aint gonna happen. But I know there exist on a subconscious level, that some indo-european people know that race mixing with basq4ue nigger, is not good. And for the people who can not help theme selfe, let theme die. As there is no need for shit genes as social darwinism wants it.
1st the 1st indo-european civilisation fell, in the euro-asian steps, then
afther the 4 great indo-european civilisation fell, that is basq4ue-nigger(Rome), Han Chines(Tocharian), India(Aryan) and Middel-East(not kurdish as they are part of the 2nd indo-european migration wave... but I will say theme because I a lazy) only two pure indo-european people where left on the face of the earth that is the slav and germa5nic people. The slavic people died in the USSR revolution and the ge5rmanic people died in WW2. And now we are here, in a pile of shit.
The only reason why the slav and germ5anic people are the last of a line of indo-european people to be pure, is because they lived in the most shitest place on earth where nobody wanted to invade, but they stood on the ground and then invaded the rest of the world with time.
All the partys in germany are shit, as what implies in France allso inplys in Germany, that is:K84AMq-ZU6o
I have not been in Germany for athleast 4 years, so I need to move to the embasy of my contry that I am staying in whitch takes 30 min. All of theses point of course make the amount of me wanting to vote very low, and my ge5rmanic fellow comrads, seem to be not very intresting either in voting.
But there is one thing one can and should vote, if there is not a satesfactory alternetive. that is for change in the system all toghether. Germany should have real western civilisation, real western civilisation democracy is this:UEkahavrmxs
The video is in sweden, but dose explain true western civiilisation on democracy, which is that of middeval germany -that is the holy roman empire is the way of true wester civilisation on democracy. That is the king is elected to rule over military. While all small contrys with in, have there own way, of ruling if that is by autortarian rule or democratic rule. The king shall be elected for a life time, and in my opinion jingoistic political, like new land(crusade for example, against the lower classes of brown eyed niggers). It realy makes me sad that niggers like this person:Ev8f5CMc4gM have no understand nor respect for western civilisation as they seem to have forgoten the root of there own ancestors, but that is what is to be expected from a life indoctrenated of kike media. The holy roman empire, is the highes form of true western civilisation democrati. That is the only democratic part in western civilisation is to elect your king, which only has one purpos that is to lead the military and have a jingotisitc policy(killing the brown eyed niggers). The small contrys inside the bigger contry, have there own way of how they want to be ruled, one contry may be democratic while the other may be a arostocratic.
That is what one should vote for, a more holy roman way of goverment in the german election, sadly there seem not to be that vote.
I am not very bad in favor of Angela Merkel, as she has done good policy for germany, the event of letting in sand nigger and nigger in to germany is not here doing, any one with a brain understand. As behind the face of Angela Merkel is of course a sea of bas4que nigger kikes, who pull the real strings of power.
A more local way of goverment, if arostocratic or democratic is still more democratic.
If a king has fewer subjects, it is still more democratic the a big democratic system. I say!
200 small kings, are more democratic then 1 king to be elected every 4 years.
That is the way, of true western civilization. For the holy roman empire way of goverment!