oculonationalism (nationalist based upon eye color) (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-21 21:29 ID:LEbINzqJ [Del]

* name of movment(maybe better name then ocul8onationalism?)
* symbol of movment(like swastika or something)
* religion(indo-european, germanic?(it is the only one I know and can do any reasearch on))
* get a wiki8pedia article maybe?

The indo-european people, need to reclaim there ancient homeland, that is
north Kazakhstan! TH9tl64-E-0
We need to buy cheap land form north kazakstan and create a new contry.
"recent discoveries in the context of the Botai culture suggest that Botai settlements in the Akmola Province of Kazakhstan are the location of the earliest domestication of the horse"
That is, https://en.wik666666666ipedia.org/wiki/Akmola_Province is from the most resent research, suggest. That the region of Akmola is the home land of the indo-european people, that is white people with light eyes(blue-, green- and grey eye color)

Northen kazakstan has allready allso a 20% russian population,
which will make creating a contry easier. I have nothing against kazak people, there for I choose a big contry, and not a small contry so they can live in south kazakstan. Unlike Israel.
North kazakstan is allso very isolated, and hard to reach which is good. Because that is something one want, if one want to preserve once people.

White people with brown eyes homeland is south europe, they belong to bas5que people and have no right to claim there homeland to be in kazakstan.

Fuck all people with brown eyes! For light eyes!

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