potato (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-17 17:24 ID:czq4/oyo [Del]

i took a tomato and puted in a poatot, it was not very nice it exlploede, and tomato juice was everywhere on the floor. So I lkied it up with my mouth like a animal, which made me fell bad. Because I am not a animal I am after all a Human. And above animal behavior. So then a spark of intense thouth pured threw my mind, which was I should pee on the floor. which is what i did. And now i have to lick up peetomato juice, which taste like pee with tomato. How should i insert dick in to vagina, guys?

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Wow 0037, you moved this to Limbo quickly! Good work!

3 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Wow I was really hoping this one would have stayed in the main board.

4 Name: PO(OP) : [Del]


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