1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-25 16:48 ID:ds9aPXCI [Del]

just curious ^_^

Allso I want to say that edward snowden is a basq6ue nigger fagot who went to NSA coperative website, crypto city . org to suck huge nigger dick from obama, and realised when I could not aucier a high enouth posision from NSA to change it from with in, gone rouge do suck putins dick and become a double againt. ALLWAYS remember that Edward snowdens father is indo-european and his mother is a bas6que nigger, which leaves edward snowden to a mongrel bas6que nigglet. IF NSA IS READING THIS, SUCK MY DICK AND CRYPTO CITY CAN GO TO HELL FROM SWITSERLAND on there sking adventure, threw the mountin covered in white cum colored snow.

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

neon red. now you know.

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