1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-18 21:08 ID:lvcMkcFw [Del]

What ever they say here:
or any where else, is wrong if they dont agree with my criteria/speech:
I am pure blooded indo-european(/albino-...what ever) with ligth eyes(green, blue, grey or mixed of the 3 color) and light hair(blonde(~grey?), red(?)) and can say that I am western civilisation. If you are not me, then you are not western civilisation, if you dont act like me you are not western civilisation.
I am western civilisation, if you are not me. You are not western civilisation.
And I dont care about my peers, a.k.a other pure blooded indo-european opinon on this, because I know I am and only other people like my selfe are western civilisation.

For all gooks, niggers, 3rd world shit and rape-race-mixed-rape-babys of the world. I say this to theme, as that allways must know people who do not have ligth eyes and ligth hair and act like me, are not western civilisation and have no claim to western civilisation.

All people who call theme selfe part of western civilization who do not have ligth eyes and ligth hair are not part of western civilisation. Like Adolf Hitler, TheRepor[8888888888888]tOfTheWeek, H. P. Lovecrafts, etc.

They are not me, and I am not theme. And I am western civilisation.


2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-18 22:26 ID:HRxzuKvO [Del]

Race and civilization are not synonymous. Not all Indo-European peoples are considered to be participants in Western Civilization. Iran, for instance, despite some abortive modernization efforts in the middle of the 20th century, is not Western by any stretch of the imagination, regardless of the descent of its people. Further, if the greatest contemporary achievement of a civilization is posting on a textboard, then I'm sorry to say that you don't have very long to live.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-19 15:40 ID:44ZVUPF8 [Del]

Kill yourself.

4 Name: OP : [Del]

what i mean, with my statement, is that western civilization foundation is made by indo-european. E.g.:all western people speak indo-european as main languges, indo-european culture can be found in the core of all western civilisations(all european or contrys coming from europe can be traced back to have a common culture), same with religion and etc.

There is some other culture that have been added on top of the core culture, witch is indo-european. Like small amount of basque, semetic, gook, and maybe something else...

But the core of western civilisation is indo-european people, and they did not have ... brown, on specific body parts. and different skull form... and stuff, you know...

Either way, I understand your view point, you think like "tocharians" or other indo-european people of the world could not be counted in as western civilisation, as they are not in EUrope. And that is a good and perfect reasonabel argument against my statement, I agree. But that is not true!!!

Why? Well, my friend 1st I must say this:Iran are a bunch of rape babys.
2nd, you must understand that there are 4 categorys in indo-european:
As you can see, there are 2 "dialects"/veriations of indo-european. Witch are centum and satem.
This make clear that there was infact 2 indo-european migration waves, from siberia/ukrane/ural mountins/euro-asian steps.
[indo-european] west centum = germanic, latin, greek, celtic
[indo-european] east centum(dead) = tocharians
[indo-european] west satem = slavic, baltic, armenians
[indo-european] east satem = indian, iranian, kurds

Thus, we can conclude this:
[indo-european] west centum, people are western civilisation.
[indo-european] west satem, are eastern civilisation(and not fucking far east asia, as the chines and gooks belive)
This allso may give us a hint, why slavic people are "white niggers", because they are not the same indo-european people as of the centum indo-europeans.

Basecly if you are [indo-european] of centum group, they all succed, including tocharians who in my "mind" created chines civilization and then han did zerg-rush. And all indo-european from the satem group act like niggers... so this may be the reason why.

Allso, note that the centum indo-european migration was 1st, then the satem indo-european migration wave came, this is easly can be told, by the tocharians isolations. Because there must have been a indo-european group of centum that linked tocharians throuth to europe/anatolia. But then that group was replaced by satem group, thus they became isolated. Witch tells us 1st centum came, then afther like 100-500 years then satem group came.

Thus "western centum indo-european" is the defenision of western civilization. And when I look in the mirror I see a "western centum indo-european" person, I dont have DNA test because ... I am not that insecure... you know.

5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

west centum indo-european == western civilisation

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