Virtual memorial for my subgroup of the germ8anic people genocide by kike (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-17 18:17 ID:e135aEnC [Del]

This is a mimoral of my very specific subgroup of ger8manic people who I decalre today officaly dead. The people who genocided theme where 100% yiddish jew speaking people of north- and east europe who should have all the blame.

The jew forced multiculture and genocide by concnetration camps, and should take all the blame. Any jew who speak yiddish or has blood linking to yiddish speaking parents should be blamed for the genocide of my people. My people did not figth for Nazi nor did nothing worng only wanted to pray to work and work, and hold the bibel in there left hand.

I am not against multiculture, racemixing or conncentration camps. But I am against forcing upon people. Witch my people did not want. Witch was forced by yiddish speaking jews, and they alone should only be to blame.

Ge5rman subgroup begins with the letter V(in english and ger8manic standard languge(not with ger5manic dialect) with latin alphabet).

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

god what is this fucking awful meme with putting randum numbers in the middle of words
like bas8que nigger
or ger8man
also why are you spamming this racist nonsense

3 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

He has to do that because basque and germanic are on the spam list in /board/.

4 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Can you delete 3 post in this thread for me?

ty in before hand

5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

6 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

well this is awkward....

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