This Christmas present thread 2015 (2)

1 Name: part I : 2015-12-21 17:46 ID:Bp66VIl7 [Del]

I will post later my real present. but have this in the mean time:

---who started WW2 and why?---
To understand this we need to go back a long time back.
A very long time back in fact.

Europe is devided in to 4 parts: north-west-, south-west-,
east-south- and east-north europe. And there are 3 main
people of Europe witch are basq8e, indo-europeans and finnish-ugrish
people. Now these people mixed and you get modern day Europe.
The dominant people of the 3 peole where to be the indo-europeans.
The golden age of the indo-european people where the year 0,
as they where at the time most spread throuth the known world.

In the year 500 Rome fell, because of bas3que mixture into
the pure blooded indo-european society, mainly from west spain, south france
colonys of Rome. What replaed the race mixing society was the
pure blooded indo-europeans of the north.

When one speaks about >>>dark<< middelages on can only apply it to the
south-west Europe. North-west Europe had only good, now towns before.
Litrealy "stoneage", as they did not have enouth people. But they
did have knowlgde about civilisation. As Rome civilisation never
died in Europe, only was replaed and then again replaced back
to same blue print in blood. ~15th centurey renesans begun for
west europe. North-west europe became free and south-west europe developed
knowlgde. East-south europe had a genocide and was forever lost. and
north-east Europe did progres but was still behind 100 years in development.

Afther the 30 years war, the center of Europe moved from Italy to Germany.
Germany then became the center of Europe and the most "important" contry
in Europe. (Like Italy->Germany, and not Germany but like that "area",
witch whould play a important rolle in the futher of the continent).

Then the new world and stuff...
Britan make 13 colonys or what ever in America.

And now we begin our history.
America wanted independence, and the France King who was
against Britan sad:Well I should help the Americans to become independent.
And so it was. But the Americans backstabed France King and helped the
Frence revolution. And when the frence revolution was done. The
people of France sad, "let all people be equal". And the kike heard
thoses words and for the first time in history the kike could
enjoy the same rigths as a none kike. And that was the begining of the
end of Europe.

[There exist good and bad people in everywhere. But in some
societys there exist more bad people the there normaly should]

The kike work like a mafia orginisation. As France kike mafia,
German kike mafia, Russian kike mafia. The kike mafia are
have "ok" relationships with eathouther, but if a outside force
is attacking one, all go together. Thus when a outsider look
at kike mafia it looks like one big kike mafia. Kikes have
maifa because that is how they surivev, without kike mafia they
should not exist in todays society. Thus as long there exis kike
there will allways exis kike mafia. (kike mafia is very bad)

Because the frenche people where so nice to the kike mafia,
the kike mafia could become very rich. Not because they wanted,
they becaome very powerfull because of passive, there was no
force who they needed to compete. There for kike mafia
in the north-west Europe became very powerfull. They abused
there rigths who they had goten -for free.

Then Napoleon came to power, who was a big autisitc fagot
who did something? to Europe. Either way the kike fanianced
both sides of the Napoleon war. With made the kike rich as Kings
and Queens. Then Jared Diamond the kike came and sad:
"All suces of European people is pure consident, for example
the Zebra one can not tame because of the enviorment it lives in"
and then he looks at his Redshield kike friends who did the
Rothschild with his famed zebra (Equus burchelli) carriage
and say kikes are the smartes people in the world as the fact
they have won the most nobel prises. Witch in fact is very easy to
say when you vaporizated the competition. I asume the fact that
scandinavia for just 200 year ago had the worst living condions
in this world, and in the 90s it had the best. I guess it
was just luck.

Then the 18th centery came and industrial revolution made north-west
Europe to very powerfull. And colonisation started with had as it
1st goal witch was to take resources and 2nd goal to "really" spread
civilisation in a good maner -witch failed. Because nigger are
ungrateful brown turds.

[Russia is the last standing European colony, witch is
mainly because they are conected to colonis by land and not water.
And Russia needs theme, as the only production Russia has is
raw natrual resocure from it wast land. And the people who live
there most likely need Russia, as I dont think a bunch of
nomadic people can recreate dubai in the middel of siberia]

In the smoke of the industrial revolution people could not see
who they where and thus needed to blow with there mouth the
winds of nationalism throuth Europe. This Europe is what
Hitler and other people like him wanted to take back. A
Europe where all peoplpe live in there nationalistic boarders, like
in 1901.

A nationalistic Europe whould show to be probeblematic, as
nation figthing eathouther whould increas. But Queen Victoria
had a DREAM, witch was to have a national Europe witch
all lived in peace. Sadly behind here back stood the redshield mafia,
high in power afther Napoleon lost. Here 8 children, mainly
germany, russia and great britan(the only important contrys) where
to have peace, not in alliances and threatheys but peace by
blood. Because peace by blood is stronger than any paper.

Now the years between 1901-1913 where prety much great, in Europe.
A nationalistic Europe where every people lived in there own border
and did not want to "figth" in wars(the power elit).
[NOTE:The power elit has allways in Europe been dominated by
german blood, before 1914]. At the same time, the kike
had begun infiltrated USA and tryed to get in to power by devide
the people of USA. By importing south- and east europeans, and thus
win the election. This was very easy, because kike can not work
in all kinds of works, but they can work in entertaimant industry.
Thus they natrualy gained a edge in the propganda war.

[At this time german people dreamt of a united germany, that chould
be sufficent by itselfe. Unite with scandinavia to get raw resourches
and produce in central germany. This idea was created in the ~1905
and Hitler tryed to furfill his dream.]
[Allso here the dream of jews to get own land cam to question. Just
because a France jew where spit on, the kike need a homeland. Allso
the EUropeans could not have a nationalistic contry with a big blob
of filth in the contry. So natrualy ship theme all to madagascar]

2 Name: part II : 2015-12-21 17:51 ID:Bp66VIl7 [Del]

WW1 did not direcly start of kike, but rather because EUrope
was a fuck cluster of nationalism and threathys. But then end of WW1
was defenitly made by kikes. The profited in the war, very much.

The tasr of Russia was ge8rmanic to the core, but father of wh4ite niggers.
The ge8rman king had autism. And the british king had kike dick up the ass.
All thouth not to destroy eathouther but to gain something.
Russia to gain Constantinopel, Germ8any because Autism and Britan to still
be a super power. But the war did go drasticly wrong very fast.
Achilles heel for germ8any is two fronts, thus germ7any send Lenin
with money from kike and a OK status from the Ger7man goverment.
Thus germ8any only had one front and afther wining, they fast and swift
take down Lenin. But the kike jews played tricks and Ge8rmany was stoped
in the middel, and thus could not complete there doing in Russia. With
made Russia fell for the reds.

The where 2 kind of reds, the OK reds and the Death reds. The death red
killed everyone and everything in there way. Lenin was a good person
in taking over contrys but sadly only a one way function, witch chould
not do the revers. (same with his student, Stalin).

One of the main reasons why Lenin want to kill Russia is because of Russia
is very agains kike, with Catherina the great had a very good reason for.
But Lenin him selfe saw very good in the germa8n people. Comunism saw very good
in germany before Hit4ler, as the birth of comuism is in the "lands" of ger7many.

In the death of the red there exist many cycopaths, many people who trueley
belived in the new world idea, and many people who where afther a quick
buck of fourtune. Most likley a combination of all, but mainly to kill in
revange. Thus the kike of east, but I may note the connection of the kike
of the east and west of mafia where not very strong at the time. Thus
we have 3 main kike mafia orginisation here talking about. And 2 witch
are 100 years behind the other, witch is in the west.

Now... something... ?...

then hitl4er read the book from the selfe hating kike the mad baron
of siberia and he realised then it was the juice who was the problem
why the dinosaurs died and that honour is the only law in a world without

As allready meantioned Hi4tler wanted to make the world as it
was nationalism in the 1901... and stuff...

And the world who was once united in blood was devided in
to three worlds. The germ9an world, the british world and the
comunist world. And the could war started... America
where supos to be away from the old world, but kike are kikes. sadly.

Then stalin did holodomor, with was preparation for war.
killing people for fun, is crazy. But the comunist where
even more crazyier then that. They where super crazy and wanted
to make a war against the hole world. Now that is some reall crazy!
They took the food of the pesant to buy supplys and make the red army
to attack all of Europe. But they quickly understood it was retarded
and they just ruined the contry. ;_;

So hitl4er saw it, and britan also and a arm rais begun. and all in all
continuation of WW1.

Stalins plan afthe failed comunist coups in Ge8rmany and Spain and other
shit contrys was to make war between germ8any and britan and then rolle
over with the red army in the ruins. britans plan was
to keep ger8many from becomeing a superpower and hit4lers plan
was to make ger8many a super power(by none agresion).

Stalin did peace threaty with Britan(other then, The Sunday Telegraph?)
and Ger8many(Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact) to not attack in secret.
Churchild did peace threaty with Sovjetunion and tryed to get help
from USA thorth kike tunnel.
Ger8many did peace threathy with sovjetunion.
Britan told poland, make war with germ8any and we will help you
in the back, and you will gain back your territorium with you
have not lived on for 800 years on. Thus poland made genocide
on germa8ny minority. Ger8many attacks poland with nows that stalin will
help him against britan. But hi4tler say to stalin:Why you not
attack poland? we signed treathy! I agains britan all alone? WTF???.
And stalin reply:I not ready, hit4ler <3. one week!
Hitl4er make speach addresing public, saying it is the JEWWWWWS,
nobody understand or lisen. Hi4tler gets sad. ;_;
But then afther 2 weeks stalin rolls in to poland, but it is to late
to make hitl4er happy. and because of secret allians with britan no body
Either way, Hi4tler army agains France is better then expected.
Britan is fagots and dont want to make pace.
[Britan never gave 2 fucks from the start about Poland, they just
used theme as decoy.]
(And hi4tler thouth stalin was his shield in attacking poland against
britan alone.)
Now hi4tler has to face reality in 1940?.

  1. Attack britan. Witch result in weak ger8many with then will be overuned

by stalin.
2. Attack stalin. Witch result in weak ger8many with then will be overuned
by britan.
Germ8an akilys heels ether way is two fronts. One front she chould win, with
no problem but not two. Then japan came in to the picture and is stupid,
with Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact witch is just perfect for Hi8tler.
But the japanes need that oil from the kike Americans.

stalin was a checky bastard who did not do as he sad.

Either way western civilisation was lost, only niggers and kike mafia
remained in the dark smoke to follow. who sad they where western civilisation

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