christian from a g4ermanic perspective debate (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-05 19:39 ID:Wx7ia5+2 [Del]

In this thread we debate ch4ristian thouth from a ge4rmanic d4ebate.
As ger4manic I can only wor4ship what my anc4estors have wors4hiped and nothing can be added. Thus new shit like the goship of mary was not w4orshiped by my an4cesotr thus it dose not mean anything.
What do you think?

The creation of earth in the old testemony I dont like allso, because it was only belived by my ansestor for 500 years ago, thus ... 50%? what do you think?

There are things like "help in need" and then your read fast some chaoeters in new testm4ony. I think it is bullshit as it was not kike in old days. What do you think?

All je4ws law, shall be seen as shit. Like mose 10 pile of shit or what ever... g4ermanic law has allways been the rule. UNTIL THE KI4KE CAME AND DETROYED ALL :-( WHat do you think?

Lets have a debate.(plz only from a ger4manic perspective)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-05 21:44 ID:h6h2Zaaq [Del]

I am b*sque (brown hair w/ brown eyes)

3 Name: Anon : 2015-11-06 21:11 ID:NuI/roBr [Del]

Religion is a Tool of Controlle , like Alpha dominate Beta, people my understand those two definitions as Men and Women, but NO totaly faar away from it, in general it is The left and the Right of our Breain , but there is a thing with Alpha, Alpha have a big influence for Dreaming, Creeating, a flow of Zombie Energy, something that Relax the brain quite very good and also Controll it very strong , Alpha doesn't argue or thing about it, just do as it is sayed and don't care! wan we watch tv or an kind of media, our Brain needs only 40 sec to land 100% in Alpha modus!

Ok Beta , beta is for Logic , questioning, Learning, getting smart throw putting questions, and many many moore in that Directions, but Beta feels like working all the time and never rest, unconforttable feeling!

Weel the purpose of Religion is to triggen Alpha, and get it Programmed , the Philosiphy is Fictional as it have allways been, but Alpha is good enough to make you feel that is Real enough, Alpha also have the abillity to shuttle diferrent types of Hormons in you , so that you get self Drugged by your own body, na ja , not completly!!! why ?

The power of words, Controll the Hormons flux in to a person, you say something Bad, Stress hormond are getting released in to your Reciever, you say something good, the opposide happens , but OK this was simple explination people, in general the Hgh Councill of Literature have finaly found out that the power of the story can controll people according to theyr Biological functions, which very smartass people have geathered togeder and found out that throw this is possible to take Control in Every form, drugging people from pure fiction!

That's why i find Religion as a Controll Tool... in excange , i better smoke weed and watch Star Wars , beeeeeeee he he he he he

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-08 06:32 ID:kiufvTIA [Del]

you clearly dont now what religion is. Plz educate your selfe more on the topic, allso this thread is not to discus about religion in the way you are trying to.

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