All basque people of western world, for fill your civil dutys! (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Plz, identify you basque hetitige so the coming holcaust of basque people can be faster and cleaner:
0. regular basque (spanish basque)

  1. Aquitanian basque (france basque)
  2. Etruscan basque (italian basque)
  3. potato nigger (irish basque)
  4. picts (english basque)
  5. race mix between basque and indo-european (brown hair)

NOTE:We hope, you can tell the difference betwene sami black hair and basque black hair.
Thank you for your comperation, for the coming holcaust.
NOTE:Resistance is futile.

Thank you.

  • A. Hitler

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Aquitanian basque

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