What do if NEET? and ww3... (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

2015 July 9
I predict this:
china make island in south china sea ->
america say:stop bullying your neigbhors china, you are not a superpower!->
tiny small chines chink:we strong! fuck u merica fag!->
America intilis secret mission X, chines economy drops -30% in a month->
china know it, and gets buthurt. start cyber war against US economy makeing NYSE and other economic centers around US halting with massive DDOS attack with help of chines searchengine BAIDU->
America fight china with creating big artifical tornado, soon to crash on the coast of china

The proxy war is allready going on for about 5 years! Now we will have soft war in 5 years if not less, and then WW3 will be over in just 1 hour!!! WEAK THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---something else---
I am neet, what do now?
No, job
No, social life
No, people(everybody is dead)
No, culture(only degenarate Murican culture)
I have cancer and will die in about 10 years

;; What do? Will be homeless in about 5 month ;;;;;;;;;;;;

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

maybe I cam play fallout 4

3 Name: Update : [Del]

2015 July 12
Artifical tifun will hit china soon, economic center will be hit and china economy will drop -10% if not more, thus china economy will be -40%(china economy center will halt for athleast 1 week)

china has not the military power right now to go to war against US, but they have the tecnology stolen from America. It will take athleast 1 year to build china military power to the same cwality as US(china biger military then US but not the cwality, but they have stolen the all the same technology)

China is the super power in cyber war, as they have most computer users in the world, thus thye are the king on the interwebs, and can steel all tecnology from the west.
China will maybe attack US in revange for doing artifical tifoun on china economic center, WAKE UP PEOPLE WE ARE IN A SOFT WAR RIGHT NOW, IT IS NOT A COLD WAR, WE ARE IN SOFT WAR, WE ARE RIGHT NOW IN WW3!!!

4 Name: Anonymous : [Del]



5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

proxy war is when other people figth and die in your intrest

war is when you figth and die for you intrest

soft war is when you use "soft" means to kill your enemy, like shutdown Nuclear Reactor in Ukrane to make a bunch of people die! or make a artifical tornado so a bunch of people die! or make a air plane has losses control remotly and all people in the plane die! You are not killing the people direcly, but helping to kill theme.
soft war is allso make colaps to economic system like in Sovjet union. They lost a soft war! And right now china is haveing a soft war against USA. And one of there fields where they are stronger then the USA is in internet/computer hacking. As china has the most computers [users?] in the world and has a very regulated and "good infrastructure" on the internet. They know in and out how the internet works, why are they else so good at spying at there own people?

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