The hand moves on it selfe to make the art (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-07 16:12 ID:lW+8lKKb [Del]

Art of the european indo-european people of the north:
Celt have the most autistic of theme all, on circles of natrual Nautre form.
Comment:I think it is 10% more beautiful then G8ermanic art if done on a grand scale
as if done germ9anic art on a grand scale on can be hyptotised, that will make it look ugly.
Ger8manic art has round shape like celtic but on difference that make it completle diffrent.
That one diffrence is that germ9anic art streches in length in the supporting "beams" when
the curves "end" making very nice knots. Well in both celtic and g8ermanic art, the art should
never overlap eatouther as that will make it ugly. Celtic art did never evoule as much as
ger8manic art thus germa9nic art developed it knot in 3D as in celtic 3D art is not very
much seen. Maybe in later with the 3 circles, symbolising the father, the son and the holy spirit.
But by then the celts where mostley germ8anic I would say(yeah this is probebly 70% bullshit).
Slavic art dose not hav3e round curves(they have curves), maybe because they are the least evolve in there art?
One thing is for sure! Germanic and celt are completley diffrent from slavi world, even if both 3 pact are closer then sami.

One need to understand that images like swatsika are not art, it is a symbol representing something !
So dont say swatsika is celtic, germ8anic or slavic, or indian art! It is a symbol, just like the letter
"a" represent a sound.

One need allso to understand that art, in this case is nothing one create it is something one is born with.
One makes art with the hand showing your the way to go. I myselfe make nice art, if someone like to see
my ge4rmanic art? Lets talk about art, in drawing scence of the pencil show the way?! What are do you do, guys and gurls?

2 Name: RedCream : 2015-06-07 18:23 ID:7yLF5Gnj [Del]

The poaster speaks on his oan to admit the roal.

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