Thread Game (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-29 15:59 ID:yldOPdj2 [Del]

y In this we play a game bt

someone post something and then someone post something and then we decide the scoore and in that way we can figure out who is the winer in this game.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-29 17:38 ID:UqeTjWeO [Del]


3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-29 22:45 ID:hlP+/whP [Del]

Top ultra winner

4 Name: TheShadowFog● :D :D :D :D : 2015-04-30 13:23 ID:1Q9t2HPJ [Del]


5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-30 23:36 ID:TCwLsMK2 [Del]

Wasps are cool.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-03 05:03 ID:f4AnbAiA [Del]

I am teetotalism, becuase my ancestor where too that and I following my old ways because I am sure they did nothing wrong. What I mean with teetotalism I dont speak with the same words as the wiki article as that is just plane simple bullshit. ENgland? teetotalism? What kind of bullshit is this? I am sure knowing it is not mine shit. The english people can take that somewhere else in this global world we live in. The teetotalism I am is back 500 years ago. In the middelages people drank alcholoic drinks that had very little alcholo in it so they where practical teetotalism while drinking beer. This is the knind one should be, appfelwein should one drink one time every week I say! The thing is in todays socety alcholo in drinks are going overdrive and destorying European drinking culutre. Sad, but true. Mostley because money, but if you truley want to be your ancestors probebly best should be to be teetotalism, that is drink thing with very little alchol and maybe 5 times in your life things with "real" alchol amount. Smoking is bad. For teetotalism and a better futher(any one with a brain understand Europeans created this world not because they drunk theme selfe to stupidity)!!!

7 Post deleted by moderator.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-06 05:35 ID:tj0R5e6D [Del]

Now that the two sides countries to get the be a little good great to have to do that to me and my friends to get the hang of it and I have to be the first same as I am so glad excited to be the best thing ever is when you get the best way for me I was in a while ago but the only thing I have to be a good day to be able the first place I have a great way of the year and the first half of the year day to the gym with my mom and dad are you going to be the first half of the best way for me I was just a little bit of a new phone case you is the best way thing is a very long day to day I and the other best thing to say it was a good day at school today is a good idea of the best of all time high right now I can't believe I'm saying the government to take my time to get the best way to get a good time with the same as I am so excited to be a good day to get my money to get a good time with waster for a few days ago and I have to go back and the first place I have to be a good day rrto

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-06 15:38 ID:KoKc29te [Del]

jews are wierd. jews can be devided in to many groups:
white jews, goy white jews, russian nigger wh234324ite jews, japa jew, chines jews, africa nigger jews, and so on...
jews lie to other jews, and not only to goys.
jews are mafia. when white jews, jews will die, because there are no jews that will give a fuck about jews, chines jews(no the jews that fled nazi) wont give a fuck about jews tradion if it was not for the state of isreael). They are just parasite sucking the blood of the white jews. When the white jew is dead the parasite will die or just be forgoten, 50 people in some shit house that will be the african jews and not a single fuck will be give to thoses old sack of pretending to be choosen people.

The thing is that white jews some times say they are jews and thene somethimes white, this is very probeblimatic because these people ... SOMETHING SOMETHING. Ether way when they have killed the last white people, the white jews will die. Any smart person can understand when the european are dead the jews will die. very ironic, because white jews dont understand if they want it or not that they are white. but in there view they think they are some mafia group or some shit, and for that matter white jews(all jews) look like inbreads and mutants(just like all white americans(execept for some very specific people))

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