Prehensile Penis (PPC) Support Thread (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

We only use first names here. Mine is Dick. I have a prehensile penis. Yes, my parents were very cruel.

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

You may be asking yourself: Am I alone?

Statistically speaking, yes. In fact, most users on this forum for PPC sufferers are actually fetishists who only wish they had this condition. Some even get surgeries in third-world countries hoping to attain something like it. For genuine cases though, we hope this site can be of some help. Please disregard any requests for photographs of your penis or at least don't post them anywhere but the Photos thread stickied at the top of the main forum.

3 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Where can I get quality PPC surgery?

Please stop asking this and please stop taking advice from people on this forum. At least two users (PPC_L0v3r and A3ris) were both maimed by unlicensed Thai surgeons and their threads should serve as a warning to anyone interested in this.

How much does PPC surgery cost?

If you must know, around $2,200, not including airfare. This would be for a full fit with Subcutaneous Pump-operated Prosthetics (SPOPs). Be advised that the sites for release valves on SPOPs are usually constantly infected and their performance is far from convincing.

4 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

I have a job offer from a Swedish sex show. Is it legit?

Just make sure you don't have to travel to or through Thailand or Qatar as these are usually signs of a human trafficking operation. Legitimate Swedish sex show employees are represented by a labor union and have generous wages and benefits. However, the hours and performance requirements can be quite arduous, so YMMV. Sweden has some of the nicest perverts you'll ever meet, and its sex show performers are held in surprisingly high esteem. It's worth a shot if you're up to it.

5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

My penis is constantly trying to fight its way out of my pants. It can even undo my zipper if I don't carefully zip all the way to the top. What do I do?

This is a sign of Vitamin D deficiency. You need to eat foods high in Vitamin D and get a healthy exposure to sunlight. Also, button-fly jeans are usually impossible for a prehensile penis to operate.

6 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

I often find my penis has managed to log in to Omegle and is attempting to communicate with guys who are showing off their dicks. Any help here?

This is quite easy. Make sure that your PC password contains at least one capital letter or special character that requires the shift key. Also, keep your phone out of its reach. It may also help your prehensile penis to "talk" to others. We recommend Google Hangouts. Don't try to make sense of what it has to say as it is absolutely not English. You may also want to invest in a separate penis-only keyboard.

7 Name: king or queen of /limbo/ : [Del]


i gotchu bro, u made a good thread, and this is a post acknowledging the fact

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