study of RIR6 coordinate system (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-22 01:54 ID:u24Mq90w [Del]

This thread is the study of the RIR6 coordinate system in Soraga function. Because RIR6 cooordinate system has not 2 axis you can not do function on conventional way as in 2axis system thus is create Soraga function that is two point on the same axis(a-axis), point A1 and point A2. Soraga is the name from my past sudo name on the internet until I saw the light in world2ch and discarded my old shit ways and thus it is dead and I can use it for this as name giver.

NOTE1:I don't give a fuck about your opinion, I believe in this and that is all I need. Yes, I know. No body give just as much fuck about this as I give to other people about how much they give to me.
NOTE2:I have the right to post this.

I will write later some more of this maybe...

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