Who am I? (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-23 00:48 ID:gfLBPKwv [Del]

A special report from the Netherlands intelligent service in 1859 has cumed out and sad that black people and white people have a faster chance for there special fore to camouflage to the other ethnicity when on a special mission in the world. The report says that black males have it harder to camouflage to white men then opposite race, the black man. The simplest way for a white man is to shit shit out of his ass and to smear that shit on him to appear black. The difference in cum to shit is very high in most man, and there is no exception that same for the black man when he wants to transfer to a white man. But the most easiest transformation is to pure on your self yellow pee. The reporters could not in time decide who this race could be, as god have sad. Every output has a color(you know they believed in jew god back in the day, lewl). Thus it comes to us(w2ch), to decide who this color(pee) race is for(?), when you want to camouflage on a special mission.

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