unanswered question to 0037 to answer (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-18 00:27 ID:ofBNO/it [Del]

"I'm 0037 from world2ch (0037!A0z7CY5eG2). There's roughly one in person in the world that knows what that means and zero who actually care."
What dose that mean(name 0037)? Do you have a unwanted complex?(that is the impression I get when I read this, you have a complex)
Are you from world2ch or the early days of 4chan?
Are you not a whiny little bitch?
Would you like to tell stories of your experiences, perhaps provide choice images from that era, or have other fun artifacts for publication here?
Do I car about this?

I understand that you don't like little girls so I will post as reward images of my naked grandpa in sexual possessions that is aged 91 yeas! Hope that helps you because I have figure it out, that you work like a dog. You need a reward or you are not willing to go forward with what I propose. Thus my reward is that I will post w2chimages of old men for just you to fap, if you answer my questions. Be now happy and do as I tell you to do. And plz do a vocalooid where you scream awoo~ just like that s4s meme.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-18 10:41 ID:uUTyLAFm [Del]

>will post as reward images of my naked grandpa in sexual possessions that is aged 91 yeas!

Adult Protective Services notified !

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