Background: So I was just like usaly, scrolling the internet and faping to post apocalpscyski fallout pony porn. The music in the background reminded me of 50s america. for some reasone!!!(reallity is much diffrent) and then I wanted to see some sweet ass propganda posters from the 50s where they have the coll sovjet art style and not Disney propganda bullshit. And I thouth to my selfe: America dose not have this. So I went to germany in the 50s ! and we all know they hade .
Anyways I saw a poster from Nazi Germany:"Wie lange noch ohne kolonien?" meaning "How long until no colonies[in Africa]?
From my understanding it can mean 2 things:
Maybe it means something else, I did not live at the time and I could not find more info on the net. What do you say?
I mean there is prison bears, so dose it not mean, like free the people from Africa?
ol8K-vg4Ans :video
It means OP, like Hitler, likes to receive anal sex. often.