Claiming the ladder (4)

1 Name: OPgod : 2014-07-22 14:59 ID:eH56e75t [Del]

I have over the old forgotten germanic tradition became a god. Here is my proof:
You see, back in the day. A man life qeust was to do something special in life and become a god. Thus I created a program that makes every combination of files posible. Thus man never have to work, all is to test program and try and error. After all intelligence is:try and error and see if the random words sound good for the other humans in the room. Thus never need to think and I created god for humanity with hapynes. <= that is it guys. I am god. Now I just need to die in battle.

some god => christian god => viking gods => OPgod

Now show me that you are worthy of god in the sence of me in any area you like... dose not need to be battle can be litratur. Or suck the long poop that comes out from OPgod. !!!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-23 19:05 ID:X7MeggDO [Del]

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3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-23 19:22 ID:tPxb6GrC [Del]

Didn't you already post this.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-24 01:25 ID:Heaven [Del]

Who are you talking to lost questionable questionable thought in text?

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