chocolate tea (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-09 15:40 ID:kLCK60e2 [Del]

how dose one calm down a hearth when there are no worries on a 30 min coffee break? Always good to know.

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Calm down? CALM DOWN? FUCK CALMING DOWN. GET PUMPED! Get MAD! Get out there and get angry on your coffee break! Smash some shit, punch a dude in the face, get tazed in the nuts and just smile at the security guard that did it, then rip that fucking tazer out of his hands by the wires, and choke him to death with it! Take out the whole SWAT team with weapons hastily assembled from office supplies! Spark the country's downfall into anarchy with a one-man whirlwind of violence! If you aren't doing these things, you are WASTING your coffee break, bitch.

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