I Are Asian(only jap[WE ALL KNOW THE REST] Racist? (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-28 10:17 ID:J3HowjCa [Del]

Ok, look Anon. I was just walking in my WHITE city that is bombarded with NIGGERS and that kind of stuff. I was just walking a nap on the park and when I went back to my cave. I saw that male chikun. He looked like jap weaboo, because all jap look like that. Spinky ass McDonald fries, if you get my drills. And I was just there shilling ON the right side of the walking street(ONLY for feets and no round things). Becuas I got to the right side because you knoW that is the White walking coode in My CIty. And that monkey that looked to me on the other side stared at me with his small side ways turned vagina eyes, like he hade some thing bad going(spoliers:he will do some thing bad(!), like you did not knew...). So we where to in the to big bildings, large as fuck so there was no one around(kinda sounds romatic) in the afthernone. And then he walked to my side and I walked on my GROUNDS but he keept interfearing to a intercours in my body. The he went to the right side of me[NOTE IMPORTANT PART HERE], there was just this tiny space. You whould not even let a dog go there, so much used cigs and tiny stone was laying around. But he did, that monkey. And you saw in his face that face. Now What did i wrong are all jap racist agains white blond long english europea decent master germaanic no slav blood inteligent and cool sexy smart people?

Throught he probebly was china man

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