what is the reasone behind number stations? (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-11 12:20 ID:w9CHpJoN [Del]

They say, "inteliggent" people it is for spys. I say(!), it is allies. You FAGS who think I am wrong are in error as I know I am right because I heard in a dream they where from aliens.

2 Name: OP : 2014-04-11 12:21 ID:w9CHpJoN [Del]

sige heil

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-16 15:35 ID:l0mRAhpJ [Del]

I say a good qeustion is not a question that repeat it selfe like the authistic question from aristoteles or some greek shit:Why? as the qeustion is being answered with a new why? (in some stupid fashin that i will not describe here becasue i need to watch and fap to the power puff girls right now, or in 10 minutes becaus that is in the right time slice for me to eat aftherward my american apple pie). if you can come up with a good qeustion that dose not have a repeated qeustion for it snd some other status/points that you can find if you goolge(but be warned! i do not recomend google):"What makes a good qeustion?" note that it shall be a .pdf in 2 paper long. Contact me aftherwards for you reward(it will no be a physical reward or a reward with value)

-Dear Anonymous

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-16 16:42 ID:+AnHe8Se [Del]

If you know anything about number stations, or listen to them regularly, you'll know that there is always a "everything's fine" message. Basically, if you hear the same number sequence repeated over and over again, that's what it means.

Guess what? Most number stations broadcast the same thing over and over. It means everything is fine and nothing is happening.

They are often cold war era remnants. Spies do still exist, but it's not as exciting as James Bond stuff. Most of the time it's rather boring and they rarely ever do anything at all. They're just waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever does.

Some number stations are fake or psy-ops. They exist merely to fuck with people. They might as well be Microsoft Sam hooked up to an entropy machine.

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