do you stink wet dog, pig? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-06 15:01 ID:zWqYmBs4 [Del]

This thread is dedicated for anyone who want to make there one fantasy or what ever, world and publicise it on world2ch(this website). I OP will contribut but later, and I know it may be hard and ...something, but dont make that make fear in you to post what ever you got! I shall post my later. As I need to do some research()!!!). Other wise this thread is dedicated to people with direa.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-06 15:31 ID:sJNVna3m [Del]

My one fantasy is posting in this thread

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-10 12:44 ID:NqYYmLuc [Del]


4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-12 06:57 ID:yaa+J91K [Del]

My one fantasy is replying to you.

5 Name: OP : 2014-02-13 10:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hungarian people are finnish people. Every body who is not germanic more then 50% or +(because you know, there are no one 100% some nationality, but there are 100 tribes some where in the jungle that are right now being pushed out by the chines gold farmer from world of warcraft) are a nigger. I wish chees dose not taste like shope as that makes my stomace hurt. What can I say moreeuseuseserseiofesiosesef

6 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

fuck this thread.

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