Speading the legs of the tiger apart (2)

1 Name: 0038 : 2014-01-25 05:07 ID:QKisz14U [Del]


I the imaginary admin of world2ch have been to busy putting up imaginary bans on the people of world2ch. This land as we know has been forgotten by the god. I have discovered, that there are more realms that need my authority. As the Ruler of world2ch I am here to send to the ever bigger land of a god that have forgotten that land just or even more as compared to this land my ambassador that will speak for me and do the ruling of imaginary bans.

Here is the land:dis.123456789chan.org/[insert 3 char or more and see your luck]
Note:There is censored as, you know. I am not rude.

Here are the keys for the creating of MD5 chains.
0038 ambassador 1 - Key:12Uhdai
0038 ambassador 2 - Key:22Uhdai
0038 ambassador 3 - Key:32Uhdai
Now spread my words and rule to the distant land. (Anyone can become a ambassador)

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

You're still a furry for this, you know. "B-but it's a magical tig-" Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal.

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