Just questions (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-19 02:07 ID:TIbAgYZa [Del]

Could it be that people back in the day when man walked on
earth that they looked up in the trees and saw bird nest. Learned
and thought they could do the same? My underlying evidence is:
I am a bird.

Question 2:
Is "[2/1+6/1]chan city" original or was the jap version before?
/just wondering but I think I now the answer
[You need to answer this question if responding to this post]

But seriously now, why are birds not the master of the world
they are longer then man and have build houses longer?
They can fly before any women and some other stuff. Maybe
human looked on earth and saw ant nest and got their inspiration. Oh, that
was Karl Marx[note this is a wide communistic joke that can occur in any mind with just 2 weeks of thinking].

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-19 05:45 ID:9/jifs5C [Del]

Srsly, y u not have a neck tatoo bro? U cant complain about bein g along if you don't have a neck tatoo, bro. Averag number of kids for a bro with a neck tatoo? 3. How much child supor t they pay? $0, bro. Tats livin' the dream, bro. Cuz 3 kids is getin laid at least 2x, bro. Mor u got now ami rite, bro?

Bro, get a neck tatoo. U need a neck taoo, bro.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-19 15:05 ID:TIbAgYZa [Del]

I am not gay.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-19 15:16 ID:TIbAgYZa [Del]

This person is not anonymous as he is using U.S currency, must mean that he is from the states. You know what to do? That right. Go and take his money!

not me, must be my dog

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