Math own thread. Belive in the Numbers we as shall fortune cum to US. (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-16 14:21 ID:Mk8ho1lM [Del]

This is a create your own math-y world! Rule:

  1. Create a mathematical system that works with rules that do not


//Here is my contribution to this thread:----------------------|
I call my mathematical system "ToiletPapperNumber34"
OK, this is how it works:
There are two worlds, the ligth world and the dark world.
The ligth world can only interact with the ligth world.
Same for the dark world can only interact with the
dark world.

ligth world==ligth world
dark world==dark world
dark world=/=ligth world

Theze two world coexist side by side, all what is
making them apart is the oaktree or in the mathematical world
a "/".
The dark world is always on the left side of the oaktree("/")
and the ligth world is always on the right side of the oaktree("/").

This is how it looks like:
<ligth world>/<dark world>
Now to the "GEEKE" stuff gurls:---------------------------------|
If we say the number system is decimal as the numbers are:
123456789 -that we can use.

Here is a example:
23/5 <-dark world
ligth world

To represent the number you need to convert the world to a number,
to do that just divide the "ligth world" with the "dark world" as:
23/5 = 4 (the number 4 here represent the number of 23/5)

Ok now if the world is to big you do this:
9/3 = [3]3 (the number [3] represent how many should be as it is not
suppose to be 1/3. To get this number you need to do this:
"ligth world"/Result=The Rest (in this case it is 3)

More examples:
252/21=[21]12 (252/12=21)
91/8=[8]11 (91/11=8)
54/12=[12]4,5 (54/4,5=12)

Note:This should only be used when more then the fastes way to get
to that number reversed as these numbers show:
1/2=0,5 (No need for 1/0,5=2)

Rule Nr.?
If you have a world where the dark world has the number 1 you need
to put [1].

Rule Nr.?
When writing this on paper [<number>] the left square bracket
need to look like this:


It need to have that downward slope.

/* Examples:---------------------------------------------------- */

1/2 + 1/2 = 2/4
0,5 + 0,5 = [4]0,5

1/2 + 2/4 = 3/6
0,5 + 0,5 = [6]0,5

1/4 + 47/6 = 48/10
0,25 + 7,83 = [10]4,8

3/7 * 84/3 = 252/21
0,42 + [3]28 = [21]12

<That is all guys I am to lazy to go on from here but you get the
the basic idea right? That was what I though! Go on now. The world
is a big place may you find your fortune in the next hay stack, gl]

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-16 15:05 ID:Muzhrxie [Del]

>Yes honey, some dogs are brown. That is very interesting.

3 Name: OP : 2014-01-17 14:53 ID:QfL2BS6j [Del]

The honey did not lure the bee. :-(

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-22 15:00 ID:sep2RA9N [Del]

Louis CK is grate

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-23 01:42 ID:XhUYCAdw [Del]

I think your post is grate ^_^

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-24 14:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

ToiletPapperNumber34 Calculator =>

7 Name: OP : [Del]

what is wrong with you people

8 Name: OP : [Del]

what is wrong with you people

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