1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-17 15:19 ID:VPcMql0h [Del]

Hey gurs I wanted to post some of MY own original conspiracy , but I could not find that right place so I made a new( this ) thread . As the existence of this thread is to preserve conspiracies for further generations . So if you have a conspiracy like ME the post it here and remember that it should only be if it shall* be **preserved for the further gen pol of NIGGER kind .

  1. There has been weird weather in Vietnam or what ever shit. This must be some one! Like the USA? What I am truing to say, before you think I am crazy is that: Some one with big POWER is trying to frezze the rebels On Limbo7
  2. & (AND) v. % (WTF is this?) in C !!!!!!!!

you see: they learn people to do this: rand() % MAX_RAND_VALUE .BUT ANY with brain knows that: rand() & MAX_RAND_VALUE is faster and better! WHY? I dont know ( .>.)3 But my ear I can hear that the C book(I read loud when I studdy) that this is the JEW behind this!!! BUT HERE ME OUT! I know this may sound crazy at first read, so I will explain later. PLZ ask me question if there is some thing you dont understand but I warn you now, it can not have any question because I can not read.

2 Post deleted by moderator.

3 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

I was trying to do something clever but broke it somehow. So fuck it, n/m DELETED YOUR POST. Oh wait, I saved it:

The mods on world2ch really don't give a shit about the board /limbo/ and /board/ as they delete serious content and don't listen to the community. This must be because they are bitter fat neck beards losers, as there fat over the years like a ocean has devourer there spirits. That is the reason why there are post likes these:
12 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-17 11:53 ID:/QfCsOOM [Del]

i want #world2ch to become active again

From the community, and this fuck can not spell for that matter.

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