Help make this the most obscure textboard in the world! (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

All you have to do is not tell any of your friends about it and not post here ever. And if you ever publicly recall a funny anecdote you read here first, be sure not to tell them where you read it. In fact, if anyone asks where you heard it, lure them to a secluded area and murder them so they can't even google it for the source. Then delete your browsing history and kill yourself. Make sure your murder-suicide note blames reddit!

2 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Vertrauen Sie nie ein tricks.

3 Name: Anonymous : [Del]


4 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

This is a pretty good idea. Mostly the murder-suicide part.

5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]


6 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

who said you could greet me? same person who said you could look me in the eyes?

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