Animu reviews (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-09 15:05 ID:ZiwWTI7P [Del]

So I fougth I would do a anime review today. I will post it on I dont watch much anime becasue I am not fat neckbeard. My choose for this anime to watch was "Kill me Baby". I watched the english version because I dont understand/speak japanes or what ever languges they speak in japan. It is about this brown turde that annoyes this yellow girl from GERMANY I think. I did some reasearch but i could not find out for sure, from what I udnerstand the manga is based on a 3 panel comicpanels ~shor storys. It has not werey many charecters to. I will go to that leter, but first the charecters:

blond girl:
she is a assasin but more of the truth she dose never really do any cool stuff exept for the intro on ever EPSODE. I think that is sad, as I can see so much deep development in this charecter, when you tip off that skirt, if you know what I mean XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
The brown girl:
The brown girl is Japanes fat summo, or so am I told by the racist animators(more to that later). She is retarded, but I think she just play retarded because you know, I mean it is obious if you watch the video on youtube(more to that later).
Ninja girl:
I played SHOGUN2 yesterday, and I know for fact she is a fake bitch that dose nothing! And I think that is the hole point of the anime. Worthles bitch!!!
White person that is background:
As the manga has no more charecters the other people are white. There is not much charecter development between this person and the other, or athleas there is moer between that inercercle and this charecter is left out. But it dose appers some times.

Forgot, old peddo grandpa and his dotther.
They are pedophiles and try to get in yellow girls pantise.

First of all I must say! As a English SPeaking White Highscool girl I think this is really offensive. As none of the creater were white, i am pretty sure the are all japanes as the chance of it being white is 0.5% as that is the japanes from what I understand on wikipedia of japanes in white. SO IF YOU ARE REALLY ESAY OFFENDED DONT WATCH THIS RACIST ANIME!!! OR MANGA?

The serie dose not really progres much as you really feel that it is worthles to watch. I like things that are worthles, Because I think I am worthles. So If you think like me, then this is for yoU!

I think I covered all, plz rate and make you own anime revews here in this world2ch thread! Kawai

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-10 09:53 ID:Cm4mvcjR [Del]


3 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-10 13:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-10 21:18 ID:QAWEfPLz [Del]

Im going to watch Kill me Baby. Since I finished Killa la Kil.

5 Name: OP : 2013-12-11 01:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yes, a reviewers dream! SOCIAL ENGINEERING 1:0

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-11 07:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

There are no Cocks in anime

7 Name: Mr. Bradeli●tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2013-12-11 10:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

This thread makes me feel young inside

8 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-11 14:27 ID:Heaven [Del]

Why can I not hate more on niggers and jews?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-11 16:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

People that watch anime are fucking sick and probably all child molesters and stuff which i kind of understand i mean kids can be sexy sopmetimes but let's face it anime sucks and if you jack off to it you're fucking dead kiddo.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-14 00:47 ID:L8Gh52Cv [Del]

Go back to something awful niggerjew faggot.

11 Name: OP : 2013-12-14 04:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't agree! I think >>9 has a valid opinion on anime. I respect it. I think that person is a very important mind for this community to strife, so we all can learn some thing more. As once one sad, you will learn the most from the one that is most different from you.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-16 06:16 ID:V9Ws6ByN [Del]


OP = Faggot

13 Name: OP : 2013-12-16 11:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

That is not true ;_;

14 Name: Squid girl review [quality] : 2014-06-25 05:13 ID:UxRf1BGr [Del]

This is a sad anime. It is the life of a green peace atavist that is trying to save the cleanliness of the water that we drink(in the fictional world). May I renumber this is the water that was on earth from the begining of earthy time and the dinousars to all other living share the same water(exept for the 0,1*10^-1000 something...). It teels that doing the good thing is realy boring and every other kind of activity is much more fun. Afther all life is a party. Number 34. Thus we come to the conclusion that squid girl is realy sad anime, recomend it for 13 years old studen teachers in hawaii. Dam I wish people whould not destroy the rain water with all that radioactive material from the cimnyes in china. Fuck you comsumer sociaty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What comes out of squid vagina at period time? I whould be to ovious if it was squid ink. ^vcool sun glassesv^
The pervert is to in the manga a conclusion that is is sad, as a real freind is never forever: it is a evolving thing of frendship.
THys there are no ships in this anime.

It is to very sexulising in that they have small skirts that is bad. And very poor drawing cvality from the japans women that drey the anime. I give it there fore a 19o ut of 16. The nigger in anime they made bad as he has to small lips(my be because htere are no nigger in japan, onky chines(there was on e word they call chines man in japan) do you know?. FAGATRON FAGATRON FAGATRON FAGATRON FAGATRON FAGATRON FAGATRON :D

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