I am Klang, admin of world2ch. ama (5)

1 Name: Kevin Langer : 2013-12-07 20:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Off topic questions:
- one's that'd get me in jail
- Ones' that give out my dox
- On'es that would make mama cry or the boss man yell

Don't dream of asking them


A little bit about me, I am a sysadmin, Im half black, and I <3 shii (avery morrow). I'm 5'5" and I am single, in my early 30s. My college degree isn't worth what I paid for it and my job would make you want to die. Let the questions *drumroll* BEGIN!

2 Name: Kevin Langer : 2013-12-07 20:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

Also, to verify my identity, look for "Heaven" as my ID. Because I am the admin, I can set the ID to whatever I want. If you see any posts from me, and my name isn't blue, and my ID isn't Heaven, tell the fake K-dog that he should be neutered and put down.

3 Name: Kevin Langer : 2013-12-07 21:04 ID:Heaven [Del]

Thread is shit.

4 Name: butt : [Del]

find me in a toilet

5 Name: Anonymous : [Del]

Unser letzte feind ist ticks.

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