lie (6, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-20 06:43 ID:Yy3JfrWX [Del]

hi, :3! first time posting here.
I was just wondering what you think, on my questions:
Is it bad to lie?

In my opinion(no facts(I am to lazy), people that read these words!):
"Liars almost always get caught"
My Opinion:Not really. Many lies have been told, and no
one has ever thought about doing some thing, until times
rotten and ever body forget, or forgive the liar. I tend to think
that people read history, is to learn from people mistakes
but that probably is a lie to. "people to find out the truth",
not at all true, it is sad, but really. Anyone can change
and write there own lies. In today society there is sure
much Disinformation if you look under the stones.

"Nobody believes a liar. Once you are known to tell lies"
Not true, a stranger you never meet, will still trust you
for the first time... if you give of course a good first impression,
"nobody is going to trust you - not even your friends and lovers."
Not really, what if you want to hide some thing from some one?
Like SuperHappyBirthdaySurpriseParty! :D Then you need to hide,
that. Or all will be ruined. Will they not trust you
after you told theme that there is a surprise party waiting for
that person?

"Lies hurt."
Physical things hurt and have effect. A lie is just a thought, but
of course I understand... because I am not autistic. This is the same,
as before. A lie can be good, if you can handle the power. May make
you stronger. To think that you are better then what you are in for
a example math can positive stimulate to do more math, and in the
end make you better in math. But of course, maybe you need to keep in mind
that you are lying to your self... After all the person that will lie to you the most will
be your self.

"Doing something that you know is wrong makes it easier to do more bad things"
Maybe true, but not all are the same, even if I would argue that people
are more the same the different. But(!) a big majority of thing can be used
for bad and good. Maybe there need to be schools, or people need to be more
educated in lies?

I personal tend to think that lying is not bad, but
believing all people say truth is bad. After all, is it no you to protect
you from others? The one that told that lying is bad, probably is the
biggest(most) liar...

People lie just as much as they did for 500 years back, and just as much they trust in others.
A lie has three essential features:
"A lie communicates some information" - Not at all, it is called shitposting
"The liar intends to deceive or mislead" - maybe it is to hide? There are more the two reasons I am sure
"The liar believes that what they are 'saying' is not true" - BIG PILE OF CRAP
Many people that lie, don't even know what they are talking about.

"they say that the liar must actually speak or write or gesture." - no, what if you
tell your self a lie? E.g:You go around in the sunny beach like a little child, with
you ice cream, and all of now where you ice cream melt. You maybe came to the conclusion
it is because of the sun, but in reality it is only part of the solution, as all
we know: It is the heat from the sun that melt you ice cream. And then you just lied to
your self, it is all so called pseudoscience in some aspects, or maybe a better word would be
Do you know a lie? I would be happy to know. What do you think? You opinion is important(!).

p.s. I want to be a red bunny :v)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-28 11:34 ID:nghXz92n [Del]

great first post

3 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2013-09-29 02:22 ID:2HmWFWdJ [Del]

To unpermasage this thread, please consider one of the following options:

  • Rapidly improve the quality of posts (as this is unlikely, please continue reading)
  • Make the thread so non-specific and popular that no one cares if it sucks between posts >>444-502 See the Blogging/Whining thread for a specific example.
  • Shout about Zionists, UFOs, or THE TRUTH about 9/11, because 0037 seems to like that shit for some reason.
  • Insult Shii repeatedly.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-30 02:45 ID:yBCLCSTC [Del]

I think this is really bad style from you 0037. As you demand some thing from your users. Content is not created on demand. I say this because I care about you. I want you to grow as a person and understand more then Zionists, UFOs, or THE TRUTH about 9/11, because you are important. Please stop.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-30 10:46 ID:Heaven [Del]


email me admin password now k

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-30 12:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

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