This shelter has been designated by the local feminist government of Angela Merkel for the purposes of temporary protection from the "RedCream" cyclone, engulfing the region of lower of SFBE's anal fistula.
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10 Reasons why Hitler was one of the good guys:
Hitler was right:
Why do japs get to have active and stable textboards, while here, in The West, ours are kept on the shelf?
I blame the script kiddies, which is why we can't have nice things.
Japs have active and stable textboard.
And because in the west, people keep opening up new boards that spread the community, there's a lack of advertisement as userbases want to keep things exclusive, and shit-sites keep going down because the owners don't care about anonymous textboard communities anymore and have given up. Look at progrider, when it went down we got two more shit-tier copycat boards in its place spreading everybody about.
Now with 4ct going down we're going to have to spread their 4 users amongst the few boards that are left.
the new programming board is okay
>Now with 4ct going down we're going to have to spread their 4 users amongst the few boards that are left.
Come on now, the 3 SFBE's and two RedCream cloans make 5 users needing new boards.
why is 4ct dead at the same time as the goatfinger? the illuminati?