mane (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-28 23:42 ID:qJMQtzkH [Del]

What uup mane listen to my mixtape

Btw why does this site even exist still? its been like 20 years

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-29 13:02 ID:mNa9XrUp [Del]

how many brother fell victim to the streets
rest in peace young nigga there's a heaven for a g

3 Name: Annex : 2016-08-29 14:58 ID:jBFt94TH [Del]

because of the gods

4 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-11 01:16 ID:BWPXgGJ5 [Del]

To be honest, it is a lot more active than a lot of the new spinoff chans that came around after 4chon died.

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