sedu sandman shrine (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-08 18:18 ID:NRH32YIB [Del]

I am not hindu, nor claiming. But lately, the 3 past month have been hard to go to sleep at rigth time. Witch has downcreas my productivity in work. Thus I create a shrine dedicated to the bed "gnome" who live in every bed, in ger4manic and many other indo-european mytologys(and probebly something similar that exist in many other people as this is a pretty basic concept...), a.k.a sandman. Muh mother told me he put sand corn in eye and SHIT, a.k.a sand shit. and stuff...

Thus I create my sudo shrine dor worshiping on sandman to make me sleep and be in bed at good time. This work on 100% plasebo effect.

The shrine ritual is:sleep! sleep! sleep! (I use the number 3 as it is commin reacurence in germ4anic... and many other people, repeating ritual of worship that result in the plesebo effect to "activate"(in ones mind).

(this dose not eflict against christianity or god, as sandman is not a god. But a true livig being under(or somewhere around) the bed. He is as reall as cats are blue!) and he dose not do magic. And sand shit is not magic... "think" like a "herb" or some shit... ...idk... dude. This is not against christianity! as I do not worship sandman, but I try to get help from him to sleep. And GOD created sandman, btw. sandman is reall! THE END

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-08 18:18 ID:NRH32YIB [Del]

sleep! sleep! sleep!

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